Its Modern Monday! I did a very impromptu photo shoot of my living room... its been in transition for some time now and once its complete, Ill take some proper pictures to show you. In the mean time, here are a few shots from my very own modern living room
On the bottom left,my new zebra ottoman, I got at a garage sale. A little glow in the dark skull jar I got in England, in the upper left corner. Beside it, a spider candle holder, and finally, on the bottom right, a cake plate with two fake cupcakes...if only they were real!
Rad cross bones candle holder, from Homesence, and my messy corner table and bike
Two shelves...well, parts of them anyways.
My living room in black, purple and zebra print. I love love love it! I love it even more because its all mine and because I live alone, I can make it as girly as I want.
Like I said, more to come once its all finished!
The cross bones candle holder is RAD! AWESOME!